City Council 1/17/2023


1.  Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:07

2. Approval of Agenda  The Council will consider approval of the agenda. 00:00:52

3.1 Police Chief Revering will introduce the most recent promotional opportunities for Lieutenant Justin Tourville and Sergeants Albers, Nolan and Saba.* 00:01:12

3. Appearances 00:01:12

3.2 Recognition of Lynn Haney as the 2022 recipient of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Board and Commission Award. 00:14:34

4. Consent Agenda  The Council will consider the following items, which are routine and non-controversial in nature, in a single motion: 00:18:31

5. Open Forum  The City Council appreciates hearing from citizens about items of concern and desires to set aside time during each meeting for Open Forum. To provide ample opportunity for all, speaking time is limited to three minutes and topic discus 00:20:32

6. Regular Agenda 00:22:35

See Consent Item 4.5 00:22:35

4.5 Adoption of a resolution approving the 2023 City Council Rules. 00:23:35

6.1 The Council will consider approval of disbursements over $25,000 submitted by the finance department to the City Council, a list that is on file in the office of the finance department. 00:27:00

6.2 The Council will consider a resolution for approval of variances from lot depth and rear setback requirements at 5020 Welcome Ave. N. 00:28:50

6.3 The Council will consider resolutions approving plans and specifications and authorizing ad for bid for the 2023 Utility Reconstruction Project. 00:34:11

6.4 The Council will consider resolutions approving plans and specifications and authorizing ad for bid for the 2023 Street Mill and Overlay Project. 00:37:14

6.5 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the contract for professional services for undergrounding utilities along 42nd Avenue. 00:42:01

6.6 The Council will consider a resolution appointing Council Member Nancy LaRoche as Crystal’s representative on the West Metro Fire-Rescue District Board of Directors (continued from the Jan. 3, 2023 meeting). 00:43:40

7. Announcements 00:53:08

8. Adjournment 00:54:59

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