1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda The Council will consider approval of the agenda.
3.1 Mayor Adams will proclaim February 2023 as Black History month in the City of Crystal.
4. Consent Agenda The Council will consider the following items, which are routine and non-controversial in nature, in a single motion:
5. Open Forum The City Council appreciates hearing from citizens about items of concern and desires to set aside time during each meeting for Open Forum. To provide ample opportunity for all, speaking time is limited to three minutes and topic discus
6. Regular Agenda
4.4 Approval of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of Maple Grove and Pets Under Police Security Board (PUPS).
6.1 The Council will consider approval of disbursements over $25,000 submitted by the finance department to the City Council, a list that is on file in the office of the finance department.
6.2 The Council will consider approval of a contract with Tubman for domestic violence advocacy.
6.3 The Council will consider approval of a contract with Hennepin County for a Joint Community Police Partnership program.
6.4 The Council will consider a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with Hennepin County and the cities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, New Hope, and Robbinsdale for the Juvenile Probation Client Delinquency Prevention Initiative.
6.5 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the purchase of a new door and new windows for the South Lift Station.
6.6 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the purchase and installation of a play area in Broadway Park.
6.7 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the purchase of picnic shelters for Broadway and Crystal Highlands Parks.
6.8 The Council will consider a resolution awarding a contract for constructing pedestrian bridge abutments and a new dog park in Bassett Creek Park.
6.9 The Council will consider a resolution awarding a contract for replacement of the south parking lot in Grogan Park/Crystal Community Center.
6.10 The Council will consider a resolution for concept planning at Crystal Cove Aquatic Center.
6.11 The Council will consider a resolution accepting a resignation and declaring a vacancy in office.
7. Announcements
There are currently no upcoming air times.