City Council and EDA 4/18/2023


1.  Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:33

2. Approval of Agenda  The Council will consider approval of the agenda. 00:01:13

3.1 The City will share a presentation for the 2023 Neighbors Recognizing Neighbors Awards. 00:01:34

4. Council Vacancy Appointment 00:07:01

4.1 The Council will consider appointing Taji Onesirosan as council member representing Section 1 for a term ending December 31, 2024. 00:07:07

4.2 Oath of Office The city clerk will administer the oath of office to newly appointed Section 1 Council Member __________________.* 00:08:55

5. Consent Agenda  The Council will consider the following items, which are routine and non-controversial in nature, in a single motion: 00:10:31

6. Open Forum  The City Council appreciates hearing from citizens about items of concern and desires to set aside time during each meeting for Open Forum. To provide ample opportunity for all, speaking time is limited to three minutes and topic discus 00:11:32

7.1 The Council will consider approval of disbursements over $25,000 submitted by the finance department to the City Council, a list that is on file in the office of the finance department. 00:11:42

7.2 The Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance rezoning 3401 and 3415 Douglas Dr to R2-PD and consider approval of a resolution approving the preliminary plat of Hampton Addition. 00:14:26

7.3 Consider the first reading of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code to allow 10’ high electric fences. 00:34:47

7.4 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing an agreement for construction of concrete walkways, shelter footings, bituminous pavement, play area curb and related items in Broadway Park. 00:43:44

7.5 The Council will consider a resolution authorizing an agreement for construction of concrete walkways, shelter footings, play area curb, bituminous pavement and related items in Crystal Highlands Park and Welcome Park. 00:46:30

8. Announcements 00:49:17

9. Adjournment 00:53:02

6. Receive 2022 Annual Report 01:09:08

7. Consider approval of 2023 Work Plan 01:13:48

8. Discuss 2024 Work Plan * 01:27:40

9. Property status update * 01:37:29

10. Other business * 01:42:13

11. Adjournment * 01:42:19

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