Planning Commission 7/10/2023


1. Call to Order, Roll Call 00:00:06

2. Approval of Minutes - Monday, May 8, 2023 00:00:46

3. Public Hearings 00:01:28

3a. Variance request to lot width and residential density requirements for a proposed two-family dwelling at 4309 Colorado Ave. 00:01:36

4. Old Business 00:17:11

4a. Recap of June 22 LRT station area plan open house. 00:17:14

6. General Information 00:29:14

6b. Update from council liaison. 00:29:16

6c. Staff preview of likely agenda items for Aug. 14 meeting. 01:00:01

7. Open Forum 01:02:27

8. Adjournment 01:07:48

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