City Council and EDA 10/17/2023


1.  Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:05

2. Approval of Agenda - The Council will consider approval of the agenda. 00:00:51

3. Consent Agenda - The Council will consider the following items, which are routine and non-controversial in nature, in a single motion: 00:01:06

4. Open Forum - The City Council appreciates hearing from citizens about items of concern and desires to set aside time during each meeting for Open Forum. To provide ample opportunity for all, speaking time is limited to three minutes and topic discussion 00:02:10

5.1 The Mayor will open a public hearing to receive comment, and the Council will consider a resolution approving the assessment roll for the 2023 delinquent accounts. 00:10:39

5.  Public Hearing 00:10:39

6. Regular Agenda 00:13:45

6.1 The Council will consider approval of disbursements of more than $25,000 submitted by the finance department to the City Council, a list that is on file in the office of the finance department. 00:13:50

6.2 The Council will consider a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the conversion of an existing office building at 7000 - 57th Ave. N. into a childcare center. 00:17:22

6.3 The Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code (UDC). 00:27:33

6.4 The Council will consider a labor agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 49 (Public Works) for 2024-2025. 00:41:54

6.5 The Council will consider a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the LELS, Local 44 (Police Officers) for the 2024 insurance contribution. 00:43:44

6.6 The Council will consider a 2024 wage adjustment and insurance contribution for non-represented employees. 00:45:25

7. Announcements 00:47:19

a. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Crystal Police Building will display purple lighting from Oct. 1 – 31 to support domestic violence awareness. The City of Crystal strongly encourages everyone to break the silence on domestic viole 00:47:21

b. The next City Council meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall and via Zoom. 00:48:00

c. City Council meetings and work sessions are open to the public. Current and previous meetings are available for viewing and listening at 00:48:09

8. Adjournment 00:48:33

1. Call to order * 00:49:03

2. Roll call * 00:49:11

3. Consider approval of minutes from the October 3, 2023 regular meeting 00:49:43

4. Consider tentative acceptance of a builder proposal for the EDA lot at 4824 - 56th Ave. N. 00:50:07

5. Property status update * 00:57:49

6. Other business * 01:02:58

7. Adjournment * 01:03:04

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