Planning Commission 2/12/2024


1. Call to Order / Roll Call 00:00:05

2. Approval of Minutes - Nov. 13, 2023 00:02:04

3. Public Hearings 00:02:54

3a. Variance request to front setback requirement for a room addition at 6124 Lakeland Ave. N. 00:02:56

5. New Business 00:12:02

5a. Discuss possible UDC amendments related to cannabis requirements. 00:12:06

5b. Election of chairperson, vice-chair and second vice-chair. 00:46:48

6a. City Council actions on subdivision request of a Common Interest Community plat at 6613 – 36th Ave. N. 00:51:34

6. General Information 00:51:34

6b. Update from council liaison. 00:52:05

6c. Staff preview of March 11 agenda. 01:08:06

7. Open Forum 01:09:56

8. Adjournment 01:15:25

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