1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda - The Council will consider approval of the agenda.
3.1 Proclamation - The Mayor will proclaim Nov. 11, 2024, as Veterans Day in the City of Crystal.
4. Consent Agenda
4.1 Approval of the minutes from the following meetings: a. The joint City Council and West Metro Fire-Rescue District Board work session on Aug. 14, 2024. b. The City Council work session on Oct. 1, 2024. c. The City Council meeting on Oct. 1, 2024.
4.2 Approval of the list of license applications submitted by the city clerk to the City Council, a list that is on file in the office of the city clerk.
4.3 Approval of the 2025 regular City Council meeting and work session schedule.
4.4 Adoption of the 2025 fee schedule.
5. Open Forum: The City Council appreciates hearing from citizens about items of concern and desires to set aside time during each meeting for Open Forum. To provide ample opportunity for all, speaking time is limited to three minutes and topic discussion is limited to ten minutes. The Mayor may, as presiding officer, extend the total time allowed for a topic. By rule, no action may be taken on any item brought before the Council during Open Forum. The Council may place items discussed during Open Forum onto subsequent council meeting agendas.
6.1 Public Hearing - The Mayor will open a public hearing to receive comment, and the Council will consider a resolution approving the assessment roll for the 2024 delinquent accounts. Page 2 of 3 Each year, the city notifies property owners of unpaid charges for city services received over the previous year (utility bills, nuisance abatements, administrative fines, etc.). In August, the Council set Oct. 15 as the time for the public hearing to receive comments on the outstanding charges. After holding the public hearing and entering into the record any objections received, recommend the Council adopt the resolution approving the assessment roll for the 2024 delinquent accounts.
7.1 Regular Agenda - The Council will consider approval of disbursements over $25,000 submitted by the finance department to the city council, a list that is on file in the office of the finance department. Recommend approval of disbursements over $25,000.
7.2 Regular Agenda: The Council will consider a resolution authorizing a joint powers agreement (JPA) with Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission. The existing JPA for the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission expires at the end of 2024. Multiple revisions were proposed for the new JPA. Staff has reviewed these proposed changes and are comfortable with the revised language. Those minor revisions are summarized in the staff memo. Recommend approval.
7.3 Regular Agenda: The Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance to change the name of the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) to the Sustainability Commission. Following the suspension of the EQC in late 2023 for the purpose of reformatting and refocusing the commission to broaden the purpose to include sustainability initiatives, staff is proposing to rename the commission to the Sustainability Commission. This must be done via ordinance. Council approval of the first reading of the proposed renaming ordinance is requested.
7.4 Regular Agenda: The Council will consider approval of a joint powers agreement (JPA) for the 2025 Joint Community Police Partnership (JCPP) liaison. Since 2017, our police department has partnered with Hennepin County for the JCPP program, which includes an embedded liaison who assists the Crystal Police with bridging that gap with our diverse community and building a foundation of trust and partnership. Recently, Crystal, along with the cities of New Hope and Robbinsdale determined it was best for all three of our cities to share two JCPP liaisons for our communities at a shared cost of $46,858, which is significantly less than what we would pay separately for our own liaison. Approval of the contract with Hennepin County to share two JCPP liaisons at a cost to Crystal of not to exceed $46,858 is recommended.
7.5 Regular Agenda: The Council will consider a memorandum of understanding with Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS), Local 56 (police supervisors), for the 2025 insurance contribution. In 2022, the City Council approved an agreement with LELS, Local 56 (sergeants and lieutenants), that addressed 2023, 2024, and 2025 wages and 2023 health insurance contributions and included an annual re-opener for health insurance contributions. Staff has met with representatives of Local 56 and negotiated a settlement for the 2025 health insurance contributions. This is the same agreement reached with Local 44 and approved by Council on Oct. 1. Recommend approval of the 2025 health insurance contributions for Local 56.
8a. Announcements - Due to the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, the next City Council meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. On election day, polls are open 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Election information is available at www.crystalmn.gov or www.mnvotes.gov.
8b. Announcements - City offices will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11 in observance of the Veterans Day holiday.
8c. Announcements - The City Council will hold a work session on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A at City Hall and via Zoom.
8d. Announcements - City Council meetings and work sessions are open to the public. Current and previous meetings are available for viewing and listening at www.crystalmn.gov.
There are currently no upcoming air times.