City Council Meeting 10/28/2024


1. Call to Order 00:00:04

2. Roll Call [quorum is 3] 00:00:12

3. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:15

4. Approval of Agenda [requires unanimous additions] 00:00:35

5. Consent Agenda [requires unanimous approval] 00:00:52

5F. Accept Resignation from CSO Justin Engelmann 00:01:40

6. Matters from the Floor: Individuals may address the Council about any matter. The City Council will take no official action on items discussed at the Forum, with the exception of referral to Staff or Commission or Committee for future report. Individuals can also submit comments to prior to a meeting. 00:02:45

7A. Special Business: Metro Transit Presentation – Victoria Dan 00:14:33

7B. Special Business: Approve Special Event Permit Application for Small Business Saturday 00:50:53

7C. Special Business: 00:52:04

8. Public Hearings 00:53:24

9. Old Business 00:53:26

10A. New Business: 2025 Alley Project: Receive the Feasibility Report and Call the Public Hearing – Alyson Fauske WSB 00:53:30

10B. New Business: Approve Delinquent Utilities and Waste Certification (Resolution) 01:43:19

10C. New Business: Approve Letter of Intent with Red Pine Group 01:49:50

10D. New Business: Approve Accounts Payable 01:52:26

10E. New Business: Closed Session 01:54:31

11. Administrator Report 01:56:28

12. Council and Attorney Reports 01:56:31

13. Announcements 02:02:09

14. Adjournment 02:02:23

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